Friday, September 4, 2009

The Dioramas

There were several dioramas I liked. Some of them are
A diorama that was funny: I really liked the diorama on the planets. All the planets but Pluto were invited to a game of monopoly. Poor Pluto...
A diorama that was creative: The diorama on overstimulation and the death of the written word was very creative. It really went to the limit of what a diorama can even be.
A diorama that made me think: The diorama on overprescribed America. I liked the comics on it. They were very thought provoking.
A Diorama I opposed: The diorama on Micheal Vick angered me. The man beat dogs. Just because he's good at football doesn't excuse that he's a horrible person.
A Diorama I opposed but could understand where it was coming from: The diorama on tree cutting with plastic work trucks in it. Though it's lamentable to lose forest, too many people in third world countries rely on logging to blindly rail against it.
The artist of this diorama was really bold: The diorama on war with skeletons and dead bodies in it was bold because of its extremely strong imagery.

How it felt as a diorama artist
I was anxious about creating a diorama about an issue, especially the strong one I chose. I was nervous that people wouldn't like my diorama or that the other dioramas would all be better than mine. I liked creating the diorama. It was very soothing and a bit of a puzzle trying to make it work(I was missing most of my paint set).

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